Inside an orange sun is a beating heart of motions; chops, flush, burn, heat; an assembly of colours, scents and tastes. A carefully curated concept that creates plates aiming to centre the guests in time for moments to occur within interaction of the host and the visitor. The two pillars have soaked up and stored these meetings in various textures; some glossy and momentary, popping out like a vivid memory. Some blurry, like a dream, dissolving. Some contiguous and detailed; sharpened like a knife; a night of that first kiss or that dish you will remember forever. Each tile contains some sort of ingredient from Bobe, stacked like a skyscraper of memories. A skyscraper inside an orange sun, with a stove and a fireplace, a guest and a chef. Multiple beating hearts.

Visit BOBE and the pillars at Gråbrødretorv 11, 1154 København K